Monday, February 21, 2005

First Posting.. cue cheesy music and opening credits

It's my first posting..

I'm with hornyhaster in the ecf lab waiting for economics to start, so I decided to start a web blog. I was thinking about going in late to the early class but it's always so damn packed. Lazy ass nanos and phys can't wait an hour.

We're getting back our midterm and project back today... I don't think I did well in either. I hate the prof, he's such a bastard. He does a good job on lecturing but he reused the midterm from the previous semester, so unless you somehow luckily looked at that specific midterm you're kind of screwed. I HATE HIM!!! Why do we need to memorize such worthless crap, like what goes on a balance sheet.... MAN.. I hate it when they expect you to understand and learn for soooo long and then expect us to memorize like a life science student whenever they feel like it. ECON and MATERIALS... HORRIBLE courses.

Hornyhamster also told me that Kai our Materials prof only marked half of the midterms and somehow came up with a mark for the other half. BS holistic marking. I can't complain too much though, I didn't study much for that midterm and still ended up with a decent mark. That was some week with all those PEY interviews and that materials chem exam, I'm glad I came out alive...

Which brings me on to the whole idea that I always feel the situation I am in at the current moment was way worse than what it was before. As it stands now I feel more screwed that I've ever been, but I seem to recall thinking that a few weeks ago and a few weeks before that... etc.. This sort of reminds me of the guy in office space who told his shrink that each day in his life got progressively worse, so in fact each day he lived was the worst day of his life. I don't think I can honestly say that each subsequent day is tougher than the last but it sometimes feel like that. I sometimes wonder when it will get easier.. if it ever will!!! When will all the hard work pay off?!?!? It probably never will in the sense that things will be easier, knowing the type person I am I will always take on that new challenge, the harder job, the harder assignment... Eng sci is pretty much the story of my life....

Sooo.. what else... I guess I have 24 to look forward too tonight. Jack has to save Beruz in order to get his mom to talk about the where the remote controlling device is. I just hope they bring back Michelle and hopefully Kim. I'm not a big fan of Erin Driskel or Edgar Stiles...

Okay, that's enough for my first post.

See ya.


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На указанном примере работы В.Бусарева, становится понятно, каким образом налоговики становятся миллионерами.

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