Thursday, February 24, 2005

Prof mad, MSEasy, New Polymer Man, Atoms trouble and OC insanity..

A normal crazy thursday.

Prof Mad
The prof who I was supposed to work for in the summer sent me back an e-mail and sounded a bit upset that I was declining the NSERC. He supposedly was in close contact with the undergrad office and helped my application along. Honestly, I don't give a crap. I told him at the very beginning that I could not make any sort of commitment and he told me in clear plain english that I was allowed at anytime to walk away from the project. He claims that he could've found another student. Again, that's complete BS. There's no one else who approached him before the nserc deadline, he's just bitter. I normally don't like to piss off people as you never know when it might come back and haunt you but I guess it's too late with him. Ah well....

I called it, the midterm was easy. The calculation section was a joke. The characterization stuff was alright but overall I expect a pretty high average. Damn Nogami doesn't know what nsci's are capable of. I predict he'll come after us in the final to prove that the stuff we're learning isn't mickey mouse, some sort of ego thing I'm sure.

New Polymer Man
Bye Bye Kai, hello manners. The materials lecture was pretty informative and interesting today, a MILLION times better than Kai. There's still a bunch to memorize but at least I'll have a good understanding which I hope will make studying a bit more bearable.

Atoms Trouble
I'm in trouble for atoms, plain and simple. I've got a ton to read and no motivation. DAMN!!!!!

OC insanity
I knew it.. Seth and Summer are back together. It was pretty corny with the whole spiderman rip off but whatever that's OC. I'm glad to see Sandy has dropped Rebecca but not that we may be headed for Marissa and Ryan hooking up again. We're going to end up right where we started!!! They'll be introducing new characters.. blah blah and possibly some more teen pregnancy crap.. more blah blah.... OC needs to build some good storylines if they want to compete with OTH.

Maybe I should go read some atoms....


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