Burgess to the rescue...
I just checked my e-mail and to my surprise it turns out I still have a decent shot of recieving a chem nserc (I know... we got notifications of denile but professor Walker informed me that I was on some sort of wait list). Normally, I would regress and regret my decision to take a pey position .... BUT.. Burgess to the rescue. YES that same old man from first year chem!
I think I need to clarify. Tonight was the night of the N Sci "industry dinner". It's actually just an excuse to get companies to pay for dinner but nonetheless it was an interesting night. The guest speaker was not your typical N Sci.. a successful wealthy businessman. I normally don't pay much attention to guest speakers but this guy seemed to help put things in perspective. He reitarted many times that we are a product of our experiences and that we must ensure that these are vast and wideranging. Ideas change, industries change but someone with a solid base and good experiences will always be in demand and sought after. Success should not be measured by how many years it takes you to get a phd but how many challenges you've overcome along the way. I have the opportunity to learn about business and get paid in the process, PEY is the right decision for me.
Following the guest speaker was a presentation of a lifetime contribution award to Prof. Burgess. Here was a man who has been teaching for FIFTY years. After he stopped teaching he TAed and after he stopped TAing he gave extra-help sessions. A man who truly loves his work. After recieving his award he slowly made his way to the podium and mumbled just one sentence "I got from more you then you got from me". WTF... I need to find something like that for me... I can only be so glad to end up like him in my old age, reflecting on my life and realizing that I made a difference. A new experience and a new environment will help me find my path.
No more doubts!!!
I gotta get back to atoms...
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