Wednesday, April 27, 2005

now vs. 24 hours from now

It is very hard to study when you pass the 24 hour mark. That is, you know in 24 hours your life will DRASTICALLY change.

Right now, I am tired, bored, confused, restless and annoyed. In 24 hours I will be floating on a cloud (WITHOUT the help of any sort of drug... except maybe alcohol). We've all worked sooooo hard this year and when it all hits me when we're finished tommorow I might collapse to the ground and break out in tears. No school for 16 MONTHS... that's a hulluva long time. No PSETs, No BS memorization, No labs, No struggling to understand what the prof is saying.. it's gonna be great.

I think I'll continue ranting.....

After some discussion with mr. beyondschatworth I realize the toughest thing I've had to overcome during these last years of university is learning that I cannot understand everything. I always thought that if I spent the time and thought about if for awhile I could understand any logical scientific argument, sooo has not been the case this year. Coming out of high school I thought the problem with eng sci would be sheer volume, which was mainly the case in 1st and 2nd year.. but not anymore. We have had an abundance of time for this last exam and I feel that this has worked to be a disadvantage. I have had more time to cast doubt on what my understanding is and repeatedly reach different conclusions about certain things only realize a day later that I was completely wrong.

I don't have the energy to construct logical arguments anymore and I apologize if I've written a bunch of garbage but I honestly don't care.

24 hours and it's all over.



At 9:49 PM, Blogger Jesterhat said...

dude, by the time you read this comment. it prolly will be over.

At 10:14 PM, Blogger starfire said...

i'm going insane now cuz i can't focus... don't care anymore!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

i've been perusing blogs to see who's updated... haha... whenever i see nanos who haven't updated then i feel guilty ;)

to FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM!!!!!!!!! ... in about 16 hours.

At 4:38 AM, Blogger Mohit said...

dude, I don't study that much, 6 hours before the exam and I'm still procrastinating..


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