Wednesday, May 04, 2005

life as a commuter and CMM

I headed downtown once again today like a regular commuter. I don't get how you commuters do it. I ran into three wackos on the way down alone. WTF. And then there was the whole rush down st. george to make my pseudoappointment to get my cell phone back. It's hard not to be in control of how quickly you get somewhere. I can't drive faster or walk quicker, you have no choice but to wait it out for the next train. It's no wonder why commuters are much more likely to suffer heart attacks (quoting hornyhamster). I did however get my phone back which made the commute worthwhile. It was all a bunch of bureacratic crap as I was sent from office to office finally to get my phone with a minor warning not to do it again. I also got a chance to read over the engineering calender in detail on the way back. It turns out they've totally revambed the eng sci curriculum for the incoming class for next year. And that we only have (4) choices for our forth year. The calendar is actually a piece of crap for us nanos as very few courses are listed as possible electives. There are a bunch more if you consult that e-mail that Morag sent awhile back.

Onto CMM (chad michael murray). If you consult the front-page of your entertainment section of your toronto star you'll see mister CMM outside the brass rail at what seems to be very early this morning. WTF is wrong with this guy. He has sophia bush as his wife and the bastard still needs to frequent establishments like that. The guy needs help. And how does this fit into his supposed nice guy image with films like a cinderalla story and other bs crap like that. I think I've lost whatever respect I've had for that guy.

Work starts tommorow so I'll likely be posting.

all for now


At 3:04 PM, Blogger Mohit said...

no, she wasn't


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