Thursday, April 14, 2005

I'm not good at drawing...

I need help!!! I suck at drawing, which can be a serious pain.


1) playing online win, lose or draw type games. if the clue doesn't involve some sort of stick person and possibly a three-dimensional cube (which I have perfected), I'm in trouble.

2) probably the most famous example, which is ACTUALLY FALSE occured in organic chemistry when I had no clue what was going on during a quiz. Roger D was trying to show my how to draw the chair conformation of cyclohexane but I was so messed up that I didnt even know cyclohexane had multiple conformations. The conclusion that roger drew and continues to propogate to this day is that I can't draw the chair conformation of cyclohexane. When in actual fact I CAN!!!

3) physics oral exam interview. I was being asked bout NMR so I did what I thought was a smart thing, I drew the experimental setup. A BIG MISTAKE. if you're not familiar with NMR there are a bunch of moving rf fields all over the place and eventually my drawing turned into a 2D piece of crap with lines everywhere. This confused the hell out of the examiners and brought on a bunch of questions from mr. crazy guy with glasses. Not a fun time.

4) MSN 7 now has a convinient drawing feature. My lack of ability to draw coupled with the randomness of the mouse makes for bad pictures..

and lastly..

5) all of those crystal structures we draw for mse. I'm not good at them. I can get FCC and simple cubic but that's it. For BCC I just draw a random circle in what I think is the center of the cube and don't even get me started on zincblende or HCP.

.....OC time


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