Uncle Moe
That's right, I'm now officially an uncle. Actually, I'm sure that some distant cousin of mine in India has children but that doesn't count.
I went to visit the very little 6 pound 5 ounce Aditi (I know it's like mmm-donut's name!) at Scarborough General Hospital today. She's sooo small, and I was quite afraid to hold her, but luckily there were about five well-experienced inlaws, uncles and aunts instructing me along the way... this leads me towards a case for semi-private healthcare in Canada.
My cousin, Richa, had the baby yesterday at 3:00pm and in accordance with hospital rules, she's out the door exactly 24 hours later. And since she gave birth on the weekend her personal doctor won't get a chance to take a look over the baby before being released. That's seriously not right. At some places they don't even give you a private room. I mean come on already. If you've worked hard and made a decent amount of money you should at least be given the option to be more comfortable. Take a few days in the hospital, have your own room etc... This won't cost the government a cent and it'll make people a lot happier. The major counter-argument to this is that eventually we'll enter into a well-defined two-tier system. One being the nice semi-private system, the other being the not so good public system. It's a very tough debate and there are no clear answers. But unless the healthcare system in Canada improves drastically, a semi-private system will definitely emerge.
k.. enough for today, I gotta back to econ.
bye bye
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