Thursday, March 31, 2005

ESC is done!!!, physics close behind, economics in the distance

ESC is finished!!! YEAH!! No more BS, no more principles, no more "look at yourself in the mirror and answer that question for yourself"

No OC today.. Fox is trying to push one of it's new shows by tricking people to tune into it while they're looking for OC. Cheap network tricks. I instead checked out some of the office which comes highly reccommended from Hornyhamster. It's very random. There's this weird boss who tries to be funny and comes off as a complete jackass. I'll look into the british one, that's reccommended by "Hello Cheers guy" who generally has high TV standards.

I wasted a good portion of the evening writing up a statement for the nanoclub elections. I'm not very good at writing such paragraphs. There isn't anytime to develop some BS. You need to be funny, serious and direct all at the same time. Hopefully I'll get acclaimed and none of this will really matter, but you never know who might change their mind at the last minute and throw their hat in the ring. I've learned that it's not worth worrying about who your competition is. There were the good old days of high school when I won one of two spots over fifteen people. I still think there was some corruption with vote counting back then, but I guess I'll never really know.

I should probably get working on physics lab.

bye for now


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