Tuesday, March 01, 2005

campaign, grad school, lab, oth..

So, I finally had some free time today to help out a friend of mine with his SAC campaign. It didn't amount to much besides handing out flyers and quoting the random BS one liners "He'll reduce metropass lines", "He'll make SAC more accountable". It actually all seems like a lot of crap, no one seems to care, less then 10% of the student body votes and it's all very disorganized. But I did learn of a person who commutes from Barrie to Toronto everyday. HOLY SHIT THAT'S far. It's soo far that even jesterhat can say it's far. Whitby seems pretty close by comparison. That guy is nuts, he must sit on a greyhound bus for at least 4 hours a day. Not a great way to enjoy university. He's just one of the extreme commuter cases. If you look at a guy like him you can understand why people are apathetic.

Following the campagining came the grad school talk. It was more crap. Fucking advice they gave. They were almost discouraging people from applying to places. I hate it when they reassure people with high marks. THEY DON'T NEED REASURRANCE YOU IDIOTS! What is the point in saying something like "If you have 90% you don't need to worry", honestly like ten people have that in eng sci and trust me they're not worried. I did learn however why grad school at UT is not so bad after all. You're pretty much paid for whether you get an NSERC/OGS or not. If you get decent marks, maybe even over 75 you get about 20k a year, which is easily enough to live off of. Not bad. I don't see a reason for not doing grad school in that case, even if it is at UT.

I'll skip the lab which was a bunch of playing around with some radioactive samples and go to OTH.

WARNING OTH SPOILERS AHEAD!!! I'm talking to you hornyhamster!

It was crazy tonight.. so many things are happening. I could not have predicted any of it and I have no idea where it's going. Brooke might leave, Nathan is on his way to Haley to either get back together or ask for a divorce, Deb has gone crazy, Karen is now the evil one, and Keith... well.. he's just screwed all around. I have no doubt that oth will have an amazing conclusion. I don't know if I can say that for OC in which there aren't many storylines right now, only ryan and marissa really.

k.. enough out of me.. g'nit


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