Monday, March 21, 2005

Dina dead, Jack screwed...

I did not see this one coming. I thought Dina was going to play a big role in the show and they have gone ahead and killed her..... or have they? We haven't actually seen her dead body, the shooting was behind a wall and they do seem to be pushing the Behrooz deal again. I'm thinking he'll play a bigger role somehow. Out to get Marwon to avenge his mother's death... that'd be cool. Enough of 24.. I'm gonna move on.

This morning brought some frantic MSE Pset finishing. Let me reiterate that I do not mind working hard, crazy problem sets, loads of work, that's fine. What I hate more than anything is unclear directions, vague questions and crappy teaching. I think that pretty much sums up the MSE course. And damn Phil... the bastard. He went over the easiest problem in tutorial claiming that all the others are trivial. The bastard can't draw.. that's the real truth. And the prof who's unable to answer a question about the problem set 30 mins before it's due. Greaat.. fucking great.

Then there was economics, probably a good lecture but I was continually falling off to sleep. All sense of time was thrown off. Everytime I woke up in class it looked as though we hadn't gone ahead, all his slides look the same. I thought we were still on the same topic, so I figured that it wouldn't mean much to nap some more. That all back fired when the class ended and I realized that he had in fact covered 20+ slides... damn..

Following the nap I headed over to the Physics lab. Tommorow will be the much anticipated six hour block of time where I finally start taking some data. I think I have a decent understanding of what's going on, I can only hope that the data comes out nice... There's nothing like some good physics data, it's like opening a gift and getting a surprise. Pushing submit on faraday and seeing a reasonable chi-squared probablilty...

The things that bring joy to an eng sci....

gtg.. bye bye


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