Wednesday, May 11, 2005


you thought nano characterization acronyms were bad the one's I'm encountering these days are much worse. Who knew how complicated the whole software industry was, it's really insane. There's the front-end, back-end and stuff inbetween. And IBM seems to have their hand in everything.

I got the opportunity the other day to watch some footage from a focus group. For those that may be unfamiliar that's when a market research firm brings in a certain group of people and asks them questions to trigger discussion all while a bunch of analysts watch behind a two-way mirror. It was pretty interesting watching the footage. Not just because of what the people were saying but due to their physical movements and reactions to different things. For instance, whenever the moderator would hand out something for the group to fill out, this one guy would quickly fill it out, finish it, put his paper and pen down and proceed to rock back and forth in his chair all while having a smirk on his face. I could so picture this guy back in high school along with all his fellow geeky A/V club buddies.

work overall is pretty chill right now. I've luckily been put under another student who is taking his time training me. It's great. Today alone I dicked around for several hours chilling in what they call "Oasis Rooms" and playing pool. I could get used to working there full-time that is of course if there was never any work to do.

Tommorow looks like another write off with a two-hour lunch and me needing to leave early for the nanoclub meeting. Work is looking pretty good right now....

That's all, bye for now.


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