Sunday, October 16, 2005

you wanted it.. here it is

what to post about...

since work is not a bundle of fun nowadays with me working away at stuff I don't much about (which is good and bad), I'll talk about a day downtown that will likely lead into a talk about something else.

soo.. it was Wednesday and I headed downtown for a mentorship meeting. It was cool.. I got to talk about completetly random stuff (which I enjoy).

after that was the long trek back to good old MP for some general rel.. friggin PO... followed by BK, snes and then the very long trek back to markham. Traffic doesn't bother me as much as it used to..

I didn't post about this before, but you Torontonians likely remember our little baby flood several months ago. It just so happened on this day I was on the 404 heading south on my way to pick up my brother. Now that was traffic. It took about four hours to move a few km, then about two to go back the other way. This leads me to the tonne of natural disasters that have occured. I don't know if I notice them more now that every waking moment of my life is not spent studying and worrying about school.. but there seem to be a lot more. Tsunami, Katrina, Earthquake and a bunch more.

I think we need to be prepared for a continuing trend. Our fast paced highly specialized world is extremely vulnerable. Our friggin super mini flood shut down our city. Can you imagine something slighty bigger? The damage would've been exponentially worse. When they built our infrastructure it wasn't designed to take our new crazy storms, flash floods or hurricanes (my brief stint at the ministrey of transporetation taught me this). The solution?.... spending billions upon billions of dollars on improving infrastructure with money we don't have.. the better solution? How about a world organization, highly trained, highly funded who can swoop in and help in cases of emergency. Something like the UN but more specialized and without the bullshit politics and bureuacracy. When disasters do strike, the response is usually there, or trying to get there. What happens?... local government, aid organization, charities. whatever.. stepping over each other trying to provide help. One properly run organization with the same resources could do a LOT more. And it's not like there will be a shortage of interest.. I'm interested.. sign me up. Many very capable would be interested in such an organization.

it's probably not possible and I'm likely preaching some sort of utopian kind of crap, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

grey's anatomy is finished... hence the end of this posting.



At 8:15 PM, Blogger Addy said...

Ok, so I'm assuming the title was for me. Either way, I'll take credit for it. ;)

While it would be nice if something like that was possible you neglect the fact that an organization that size that is not for profit cannot possibly be efficient and forward thinking.

Hell, I'd be on cloud nine if the TTC increases buses to York.


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