Sunday, March 06, 2005

Britney and Alan.

So, what does one do with the first weekend in a long time where the work does not seem insurmountable?.... blow it off. I watched a bunch of CSI Miami this weekend thanks to my sister. She's a big CSI fan and after quickly finishing off the normal CSI episodes (about 4 season's worth), she's moved up to CSI Miami which is actually pretty good. Every episode is big, there don't seem to be any simple killings in Miami. Everything from serial killers and rapists to snipers was covered in the first ten episodes. It's a show that quenches the need for action, mystery and the display of good winning over bad (typically) in 40 mins. This brings me to seeing ceph's display of a news article that quoted Britney Spears stating that she wanted to be a forensic scientist of course inspired by the CSI tv show. I can't really picture her digging through trash for hours looking for something that might not even be there or watching countless hours of video looking for a mysterious person but if she wants to do it.. go ahead.... I know I wouldn't mind providing her with lots of personal tutoring.

Now that I've wasted my Saturday, I'm now "working hard" on my formal lab that's due tommorow. I'm finding it difficult. There is a lot of stuff I need to cover and I'm not sure I can spell it all out without writing a boring textbook. I think I'm going to need to resort to the famous "beyond the scope of this lab" phrase. Knowing Alan aka "the bastard" (or whatever hornyhamster calls him), he'll probably dock me or something. screw him.. I don't care anymore. It's almost impossible to find a comprimise between sounding mickey mouse and being unclear. And those damn principles.. sure.. wtf is mastering the sentence rythm. Does my formal lab need to double as the lyrics to a Megadeth song? Actually.. it probably could, no one knows what they're saying anyways... (directed at you jesterhat)..

gtg.. bye bye

edit: yes, I know I make spelling/gammar mistakes, but I don't care, it's a blog.. not english!!


At 6:44 PM, Blogger Mohit said...

that's adrienne, she doesn't have a blog it's her msn name.

At 9:21 PM, Blogger Mohit said...

SHIT!!.. my bad.... I will refrain from stealing material in the future!!

At 5:16 PM, Blogger Jesterhat said...

Hey! What's with bashing Megadeth??

I don't care if you guys can't hear the guy singing, you're supposed to let the guitars do the talking... or the screaming. whatever


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