The following takes place between....
Michelle is back!!!, 24 is absoloutley insane. The excitement never ends. After what seemed to be a lackluster episode after 40 mins came some of the best 20 mins the show had this season. It's not just the pure action that drives the show (alhtough that is pretty amazing), they seem to build character conflicts that are played out in the midst of it all. There's now Michelle and Tony with their whole history and Jack, Audrey and Paul with their love triangle. To top it all off they've put Jack into another new impossible situation, trapped in a building with important information while being chased by security guards with no electricity thanks to the EMP. Can't wait till next week.... TV is what keeps me going in the horror that is third year nano.
Again, I will bitch about school, frankly because it's sort of therapeutic in the sense that it relieves stress. So, I think I can make a case for nano being the most difficult option in eng sci. In the world of university I believe there to be (4) types of courses (cracking out the rhetorical toolbox):
(1) An essay writing type course eg. philosiphy, english.. etc.
(2) A reading, memorizatioon type course eg. typical life sci course
(3) engineering course, understand formulas apply them to solve problems eg. thermodynamics, circuits, signals
(4) hardcore thinking and problem-solving eg. quantum mechanics, advanced classical mechanics.. etc..
The typical outside observer would choose (4) as being the most difficult and they would be right. But that's not the full story. A typical intelligent person will be good at one or two of these courses. Those who become doctors will destroy type (2) courses, physicists will be good at (4), but reverse the courses ie. put the doctor in (4) and physicist in (2) and you'd be looking at some bad gpa. That's nano. Biomeds get (2) and (3), Physicists (3) and (4) but Nanos get (2), (3) and (4). I ask you to find someone who can memorize like crazy and still destroy quantum, you'd be looking at very few number of hard-working geniuses. We're destined to do bad. Each type course requires a different method of studying and mental preparation. You spend one week prepping for something insanely difficult, try to read everything you can, search the web etc.. to understand a key concept, finish the exam then move onto memorizing one hundred pages of BS. It can't happen. It's very difficult to adjust your mindset and focus so quickly. I agree that physics and say electrical engineering are hard but they can concentrate on doing things one way, approaching problems the same way and using the same thinking because all the courses are designed and approach as all the others. We don't have that luxury..
I hate third year nano..
bye bye
Yeah. some are in physics.
You didn't make a point with me moe.
You forgot the MATLAB assignement courses, in which you spend 2 damn weeks trying to figured out wheres that damned mistake on the assignement sheet. Because there is always one, and it sure as hell is going to screw you up.
It's my blog and I'll complain if I want to!!!
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